Equalisation of part-time and full-time working hours for contribution benefits purposes in force

The legal amendment that puts part-time and full-time working hours on the same footing for contribution benefits purposes comes into force

The decision to equate the contribution benefits between part-time and full-time workers represents a significant step towards equality in the labor field. This topic is relevant for many workers, especially for women, who make up the majority of part-time workers.

Key Points to Consider

  • Positive Impact: This measure aims to reduce the gender gap in the labor market and improve conditions for part-time workers. It also accelerates access to pensions and other benefits.
  • Retroactivity: The retroactive application means that workers who have been employed part-time in the past will also benefit from this measure, as all their years of work will fully count towards their contributions.
  • Origin of the Change: The Constitutional Court’s rulings have been instrumental in driving this change, highlighting the injustice of the partiality coefficients that negatively affected pensions for part-time workers.
  • Reform of the Law: The General Social Security Law has been updated to reflect these changes, and the INSS has confirmed the retroactive application of these rights.
  • Beneficiaries: It is estimated that around two million workers will benefit, and as a result, those approaching retirement age will be able to do so with fewer obstacles.


These changes reflect a trend towards equity and justice in the labor field. People working part-time, often due to circumstances beyond their control, will no longer be penalized in terms of their retirement rights. This is good news for many, and it’s important for workers to be informed and understand how these changes will affect them. If you have questions about how this might impact you, we recommend that you seek professional advice, such as that offered by Moya&Emery.

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Editor Contenido Digital

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