Why i need a NIE number to buy a property in Spain?

Spain is a beautiful place to live, and if you planning to move here, you better have to know «what’s an NIE?».

In this article, we want to explain to you why you need an NIE and how to get one, either in and outside of Spain. There you can find the information about to get an NIE for buying a property.

First of all, we will start to tell you «What is an NIE?»

N.I.E. is an abbreviation for Número de Identidad de Extranjero, that means «Identification Number for Foreigners». The NIE will be you all-purpose identification, including your tax number in Spain. You will need it for all the process you will initiate in Spain. If you want to buy a property, you will need an NIE number due to the state will want you to pay your taxes. The Income-tax («La Renta») and the annual wealth tax («Impuesto sobre el Patrimonio») both are declared by resident and non-resident property owners.

One of the most important things about the NIE number is that it is indefinitely valid and it wouldn’t expire before 3 months. However, maybe you could find a notary that refuse to accept a certificate that is older than 3 months, which could cause problems for property buyers trying to sign deeds more than 3 months after obtaining their NIE certificate. If you want to buy, it would be safe to sort out your NIE number when you find a property you want to buy and cand complete within 3 months.

Who needs a NIE?

There are three types of persons who need a NIE in Spain:

  • Any foreigner who becomes resident for tax purposes in Spain.
  • Any non-resident foreigner who buys a property in Spain.
  • Anyone who wants to work in Spain.

When do you need to have a NIE?

If you want to buy a property in Spain, you will need to have a NIE number by the time you sign the deeds of purchase before the notary («la escritura«). To have your NIE on time, you need to applying for it a least 1 month before to sing «la escritura». If you are applying via a consulate abroad you need to apply at least 2 months before. It is known that you’ll be able to get a NIE number in person in Spain in a couple of days, but sometimes it could take weeks, so the best thing you can do is allow yourself plenty of time.

You also can apply for your NIE number authorising a third party to obtain it on your behalf. To do this you need to grant them a «poder», or power of attorney signed before the notary, expressly granting permission to request a NIE number on your behalf. You also would let them have your passport, or send them a notarized copy of it in a «copia legitimada».

If you want to get your NIE number, you could put in contact with us. We will do all the work for you to get your NIE number.

Call us: +34 971728010
Email us: info@moyaemery.com
Web: www.moyaemery.com

Moya&Emery Asesores y Abogados

Moya&Emery Asesores y Abogados

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